Waste is a resource. Generating energy from waste instead of sending it to the landfill avoids methane gas, which is equivalent to 25 times the mass CO2. In combination with the energy efficiency thresholds set out in the Waste Framework Directive, this could avoid up to 45 million additional tons of CO2 per year. This corresponds to the annual emissions of more than 20 million cars. However, 37% of municipal solid waste in EU 27 is still dumped in landfills. Burying waste is a great loss of precious materials and energy at the same time and a lost opportunity to create more jobs, economic growth and reduce the impacts of waste on human health.
In the current economic circumstances, finding ways to improve waste management and use it as a trigger to create employment while relieving pressure on natural resources seems to be a necessity. The European Union Landfill Directive promotes waste management options more environmentally friendly, by reducing the amount of waste disposed in landfills. Energy efficiency (electricity and urban heating per metric ton of burnt waste) is now an important consideration when it comes to waste in energy facilities and the concept of “Sustainable waste management”. The total number of waste-to-energy conversion plants in the 18 European countries is 455. There are several waste-to-energy conversion plants installed in 10 European cities that have been selected among the most sustainable cities or among the best cities to live.
Processing plant in Munich
Waste of Energy in Munich North. Berlin is the capital of Germany with a population of 3.4 million, and together with Vienna it shares the first two places for the best city to live in the world in recent years. It is reported that the generation of MSW is only 0.46 tons per capita. Of these volumes, 50% is recycled, 10% is composted and 40% is burned. There are no dumps in operation today. Landfill gas is recovered from old landfills and used to produce energy. WtE facilities generate 0.39 MWh of electricity plus 1.08 MWh of heat per ton of burned MSW
Waste to Energy in Copenhagen
Malmö (population of 0.67 million) in Sweden has one of the most integrated waste management systems in the world. The total municipal, commercial and industrial waste generated amounts to two million tons per year. It is estimated that 20% is recycled, 6% is composted, 69% is burned and 5% of non-recyclable inorganics are dumped in landfills. The energy generated by WtE is 0.46 MWh of electricity plus 2.68 MWh of urban heating per ton
A solution in Brazil
Because of the consistent increase of waste, especially from urban areas, landfills around the world grow larger every day. That is why finding renewable energy sources and developing technologies in the field of waste management has become more important than ever.
One developer has found a way to exploit the mountains of waste sitting in landfills by transforming biogas. Landfill biogas consists of a mix of different gasses and is produced when bacteria ferment plant materials and other waste products. The company Gruppo AB of Orzinuovi, Italy, a global player in cogeneration, has developed landfill gas plants that turn biogas into energy and ultimately electricity.
These landfill gas systems have been implemented recently at two different sites in Brazil, one at Caieiras in the Sáo Paulo region, the other at Minas do Leáo in the Rio Grande do Sul region of the country. The landfill plants work by dehumidification the landfill biogas and treating the gas with activated carbon. After completion of the treatment, the newly harvested energy is then led to the electricity main grid.
The most flexible, safe and economically convenient system for waste conversion
is the conversion of hydrocarbon solid fuels (wood / wood waste, agricultural waste, chicken manure, coal, municipal waste, etc.) into a fuel gas mixture called Producer Gas / Syn Gas. The gasifier is essentially a chemical reactor where various physical and chemical processes take place and decompose the solid fuel into producing gases. Four different processes take place in a gasifier:
1. Drying: the fuel Moisture in the supply comes out in this area as water vapor. Drying is carried out in the upper part of the gasifier, through the heat transferred from the combustion zone at high temperature.
2. Pyrolysis : This is the chemical decomposition of organic materials by heating in the absence of oxygen to temperatures above 200 degrees C. During pyrolysis, volatiles (in the form of gas) are released and carbon is produced.
3. Combustion : This is where controlled oxygen is delivered to the fuel, and oxidation / combustion occurs. Heat and energy are released.
4. Reduction : The products of combustion mainly CO2 (Carbon dioxide) and H2O (water vapor) are reduced in the presence of carbon at high temperature to finally give CO (carbon monoxide) and H2 (hydrogen).
Gasification System Video
Municipal, Poultry or Human waste can be used
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m-2EL8-bOg[/embedyt]
Bio Diesel Using Proprietary Technology
We can obtain bio-diesel for low level of tons of Garbage daily
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