Magna Group Holdings

Private companies with extensive experience in services and products for Latin America.

Magna Energy llc.

Part of Magna Group dedicated to products, consulting and equipment for green support projects.


Magna Energy, llc.

 is established in Miami, Florida in 2010 as part of the Magna Group to seek close relationships with institutions and companies in Latin America, in order to promote, design, obtain financing and implement projects for waste management of all kinds, production of bio-mass or eco-friendly energy and the use of products and equipment in both industry and agriculture that perform indispensable services while protecting the environment, such as self-sustainable lighting, thus improving the quality of life of human beings in each region.
The use of modern technology in order to produce clean energy, bio-fuels, products for the petrochemical industry, organic fertilizers, public lighting and equipment to optimize spaces in cities, are areas in which it has ventured in several countries, such as Haiti. Dominican Republic, Colombia, Ecuador and El Salvador using brands such as Ankur, SLI, OMPECO, Barite Mining for the Oil Industry, purely Organics and Jiu Road Rotary Parking to do so.
The executives and staff of Magna Energy LLc. consider our work, not only the evaluation of needs to use the most modern and adequate ecological technology and provide the necessary equipment in each project, our commitment also includes giving total and individual support in each one of them, in all its facets, and this goes much further than a simple process design or sale of the equipment, because based on our evaluations approved by each client, we also work in the most viable presentation to financial institutions to obtain the necessary funds for the acquisition of equipment, construction of structures, training, logistics, etc. of each project.
We work hand in hand with each client, participating in the control of time, logistics and processes until the moment the system is working at full capacity and further if the project requires it.




Magna Energy llc, is a private International Corporation , whose mission is to minimize the human impact on the environmental-ecological system of the planet, using state of the art technology processes, equipment and products, with efficiency and self sustainability to manage waste, obtaining Bio-Fuels or eco-friendly Energy, self-sustainable lighting and eco-sensitive industrial or agricultural activities.



The implementation of as many innovative systems that positively influence the environment, improving the quality of life of local inhabitants, through the protection of the ecological system.


⁂ Photographs on this website are illustrative only and do not imply any commitment in style or form of the equipment.